Providing Home & Business Security Systems.
Wireless Monitoring Service no phone line required!
Experience Recognized!
Security Surveilence System Installation
Review Date:2014-08-08 14:19:06 - City/State:Coconut Creek FL
Best thing is using my Cellphone to arm or disarm it.
Just like in the Video on their site, this alarm system is great. We have Total Connect so each family member has their own alarm code and total connect lets me know when the system is disarmed. That means I know when the kids get home - I get a text message each time the system is disarmed. I also have a sensor on the Liquor cabinet, so I know when that is opened too! Love our kids, but don't know who their friends are and what they are getting into at our house. We do now!


Thanks for the review. Total Connect is a great feature.
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